Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Boxes ordered! Ship happens.

I have ordered the boxes to ship out Jumboctos! I had thought it would be best to get a flat rate box via USPS, but those are getting expensive. Basically, if you can stuff it in the box, it's a flat rate to ship no matter how much is in it. It makes sense to have it priced higher because of that.
However, the shipping cost for you would be a lot since the flat rate box closest to fit the Jumboctos would be $14.95 for the United States. Because of those issues, I decided to ship them in a non flat rate box to save you guys some money. :)

The ones I got don't cost anything to obtain (unlike the normal size octopus/whale envelopes), but are charged by weight at the post office. I'll have to see what they come out to weight wise before I can put the big ones in my store to make sure that you guys are not overcharged for shipment.
I try my best to keep your cost minimal because I know that some people may not be able to spend that much or want to pay that much for shipping. I wouldn't want to buy an item and have the shipping end up more than the item costs and I don't know too many people who would lol.

In other news, I am working on some of the listed items in the last post, so keep an eye out for that. As always, tell your friends about these cute cephalopods and go ahead and like my page on Facebook for easy contact.

Octo on,