Blog Archive

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Jumboctos on the way!

Hello, everyone! :)
It's been a minute, but I'm still here. I just got the boxes in after what feels like a long time! Tomorrow, I'll visit the post office to see how much a big octopus will cost in shipping. Once this happens, I can put them into my store. When I add them, I'm going to putting a special offer code in for anyone who happens by. You can always come and like my Facebook page to keep up with me in real time.

I'm working on some photo tutorials and a blog keeping up with where my octopi and other things have ended up in this world, but it's a long process trying to get them as I want them to be.
The first tutorial is how to start a magic ring because I feel like it's a good beginning to the world of crochet. I'm not sure why, but I struggled with rounds. I actually avoided anything round for many years because of it haha.

But anyway, keep up with me through here, Facebook, or anywhere you find me!

Octo on.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Boxes ordered! Ship happens.

I have ordered the boxes to ship out Jumboctos! I had thought it would be best to get a flat rate box via USPS, but those are getting expensive. Basically, if you can stuff it in the box, it's a flat rate to ship no matter how much is in it. It makes sense to have it priced higher because of that.
However, the shipping cost for you would be a lot since the flat rate box closest to fit the Jumboctos would be $14.95 for the United States. Because of those issues, I decided to ship them in a non flat rate box to save you guys some money. :)

The ones I got don't cost anything to obtain (unlike the normal size octopus/whale envelopes), but are charged by weight at the post office. I'll have to see what they come out to weight wise before I can put the big ones in my store to make sure that you guys are not overcharged for shipment.
I try my best to keep your cost minimal because I know that some people may not be able to spend that much or want to pay that much for shipping. I wouldn't want to buy an item and have the shipping end up more than the item costs and I don't know too many people who would lol.

In other news, I am working on some of the listed items in the last post, so keep an eye out for that. As always, tell your friends about these cute cephalopods and go ahead and like my page on Facebook for easy contact.

Octo on,

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Today I have been working on the "jumboctopi". They're much bigger than the average octo you see in my shop, but exactly the same on a larger scale.

Normally, I'll use a G or smaller gauge hook depending on the yarn I'm working with. For the regular ones, I tend to use trusty ol' Super Saver (Team Red Heart) worsted weight in medium. Sometimes, I'll dye it myself with acrylic or watercolor paint and other times I will find a really pretty color that I'd like to try out. I may make a tutorial for how to dye synthetic yarn, but there are so many out there already. Time will tell!

Anyway, these big boys and girls are made with a P hook and blanket yarn! They're super squishy, cuddly, and soft.

Right now, I have two big ones in a pretty mix of olive, coral, tan, and aquamarine that reminds me of a beach.

Large and in charge!

Zero cares given for my poor choice in reading material. ;)

There are two of the dark blue, purple, and aquamarine left.
I have one (not pictured) in a mermaid kind of green that is made from half wool/half acrylic, but it is not as big as the blanket yarn ones.

You can visit my shop if you'd like to buy one or if you want to look around at some of my work. The link to my shop is on the top left of the main page.

I am going to be working on baby blankets, more dish scrubbies, and as always, octopus for days lol. I can and will do customs! Just let me know what you want and I'll make it happen. I can work pretty quickly since my social life has sailed the River Styx long ago.

There are a few tutorials in the works. I'm undecided if I should do pictures or a video so it might be a bit before I get to that.

I'm going to do an FAQ next, but it's kind of hard without a lot of engagement. So it will be a continuing project. I'll just put Q&A as to what materials I use and things like that until someone had actual questions.

Near future posts:
  • My favorite hooks and yarn
  • Material list/Q&A
  • Tutorials on magic ring, dyeing yarn, and using up scraps.
Contact me with any questions or comments at any time with any of the links you find on here. I would love to interact with everyone as much as I can! Feel free to share my work to anyone you think may be interested. I promise, interesting things are on the way.

Octo on!

- Nancy

Saturday, January 7, 2017

My first blog post!

Hello, hello, hello!

If you are reading this, the odds are that you already know something about my little ocean dwelling friends.
If you don't this is the post to keep reading.

My name is Nancy, and I'm 28. I live in Kentucky and I make octopus, whales, dolls, and random things by crochet.
Basically, I take yarn and a hook and fashion it into something that looks like something! More often than not, a sea creature just because they're cute.

Who wouldn't want a cuddly octopus in their house!? How could you resist a little dude (or dudette) like this?

Or these!?

My mom taught me how to crochet many years ago, but I wasn't interested at the time and nothing came of it.

One day several years back, I got bored and decided I wanted to crochet a scarf. I ended up scrapping that idea because I worked a lot at the time and could not concentrate enough to finish it.

I decided to make my sister a hat instead. The hat got to be the size of Canada and was anything but round.
I unraveled it, threw it out, and put my hooks away for years. FRUSTRATION.

About a year ago, I was not working and decided to make a blanket. This time, I was very careful and driven. No distractions, plenty of time to be lazy. So I did, and here we are. It's a scrap blanket that fits a queen sized bed.

If you look closely, there are some octopus guts on the top right and an evil cat called Wednesday Bigglesworth. She likes to "help" when I have my yarn out.

I like to do several things at one time, so I taught myself how to crochet in the round. I think my way of doing it may not be the typical way, but it gets the job done. :) Crocheting in the round is vital to make octos, whales,squids. Pretty much anything that is shaped or multi-dimensional. My first tutorial will be how to do a "magic ring", which is how I start my rounds.

Anyway, this will be my page to share some cute pictures of what I'm working on, tutorials on how to crochet or work on a small project, octopus facts, memes, etc. You can let me know what you would like to see in different ways depending on where you choose to haunt the internet.

I have a Facebook page, Etsy shop, Patreon, and will be opening a Youtube channel shortly. Feel free to browse my links and share with your friends!

Unfortunately, I do not have a Twitter, Instagram, or anything "modern" for right now.

I'm 28, which would be considered geriatric in some of those circles. But, if you reaaaaaally wanted me to... I could think about it. :)

If you have questions, just contact me here or through any of my links and I will respond quickly.

Octo on,